

Our range of magnetic stirrer drives is supplemented by standard stirring systems such as gassing stirrers, disc stirrers, anchor stirrers or inclined blade stirrers, used according to the viscosity. Spiral stirrers and other customised stirring devices are available on request. Complex shapes are produced using 3D printing processes.

What is your medium - we have the right stirrer for it

Our specialities include the rotating catalyst basket or systems with several stirrer blades on the same stirrer shaft. We also offer ejector discs or baffles as accessories for all common stirrers.

Gassing stirrer br premex

Gas supply stirrer br

  • Rührgflügel-ø mm: 25, 38, 60
  • L mm: 80, 105, 162, 187, 240, 285
  • Material in WNr.: 1.4435/PTFE, 1.4435, 2.4602 (HC22) as Standard.

Gas supply stirrer

Stirrer blade ø
25 - 60
Length mm
80 - 285
Anchor stirrer ar

Anchor stirrer ar

  • Rührgflügel-ø mm: 38, 60, 80
  • L mm: 160, 180, 240, 280, 340
  • Material in WNr.: 1.4435, 2.4602 (HC22) as Standard.

Anchor stirrer

Stirrer blade ø
38 - 80
Length mm
160 - 340
Inclined blade stirrer sr

Diagonal blade stirrer sr

  • Propeller ø mm: 38, 60, 80
  • L mm: 160, 180, 240, 280, 340
  • Material in WNr.: 1.4435, 2.4602 (HC22) as Standard.

Diag. blade stirrer

Stirrer blade ø
38 - 80
Length mm
160 - 340
Disc stirrer

Disc stirrer sr

  • Stirring blades ø mm: 38, 60, 80
  • L mm: 160, 180, 240, 280, 340
  • Material in WNr.: 1.4435, 2.4602 (HC22) as Standard

Disc stirrer

Stirrer blade ø
38 - 80
Length mm
160 - 340
Helical stirrer

Helical stirrer

  • Stirring blades ø mm: 30
  • L mm: 100
  • Material in WNr.: 1.4435 or 2.4602 (HC22)

Helical stirrer

Stirrer blade ø
Length mm